
Sådan bruge du video
til produktlancering

At lancere dine produkter med overbevisende og inspirerende lanceringvideoer er en fantastisk strategi. Uanset om det er en ny tøjlinje, elektronisk gadget eller et hvilket som helst andet produkt, kan en veludført lanceringvideo effektivt formidle din besked og promovere dit produkt på en engagerende måde.

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Hvad er en produktlancering?

En produktlanceringvideo introducerer et nyt produkt på markedet. Det er en måde for brands at skabe spænding og opmærksomhed omkring deres nye produkt og forklare dets anvendelighed og fordele for potentielle kunder. Produktlanceringvideoer kan bruges på forskellige kanaler, herunder hjemmesider, sociale medier, YouTube og e-mailmarkedsføring.

En mindeværdig lanceringvideo inkorporerer overbevisende fortælleteknikker, kvalitetsfulde visuelle elementer, et engagerende manuskript og relevante opfordringer til handling (CTA’er) – alt sammen for at opfordre seerne til at tage den ønskede handling.

1. Skab relationer med kunderne

Produktlanceringvideoer giver dig mulighed for at menneskeliggøre dit brand og etablere en stærk forbindelse med dit publikum. GoPro gør det rigtig godt i deres produktlanceringvideoer. De er eksperter, når det kommer til videomarkedsføring.

I deres seneste HERO11 Black formidler de effektivt spændingen og eventyret forbundet med deres actionkameraer, og de inspirerer seerne til at blive en del af GoPro-fællesskabet og fange deres ekstraordinære øjeblikke.

Når kunder føler en personlig forbindelse til dit brand, er de mere tilbøjelige til at blive loyale fortalere.

Ved at vække sådanne følelser gennem videoer kan du skabe en mindeværdig oplevelse, der resonerer med dit målpublikum.

2. Øg brandbevidstheden

Ved at inkorporere kreativ fortælling, imponerende visuelle elementer og fængslende narrativer kan du efterlade et varigt indtryk på dit publikum, hvilket gør dem mere tilbøjelige til at huske dit brand, når de træffer købsbeslutninger.

Når en produktlanceringvideo går viralt, øger den brandets eksponering og opmærksomhed på mange markeder. For at skille sig ud fra mængden skal dine produktlanceringvideoer fremvise dit produkt på en unik og mindeværdig måde.

Når vi taler om virale videoer, hvordan kan vi så glemme Dollar Shave Clubs produktlanceringvideo? Det er et fremragende eksempel på en video, der gik viralt og markant øgede brandbevidstheden.

Den sjove og usædvanlige tilgang fangede opmærksomheden fra millioner af seere og blev delt bredt på sociale medieplatforme tilbage i 2012!

Denne produktvideo øgede ikke kun brandbevidstheden, men genererede også et betydeligt antal nye kunder til virksomheden.

3. Generér leads og salg

Et væsentligt element i enhver produktlanceringvideo er en stærk CTA (Call To Action). Ved at guide seerne mod de næste trin kan du omdanne interesserede leads til betalende kunder.

Et bemærkelsesværdigt eksempel er Noise ColorFit Pro 4’s produktlanceringsvideo. Deres CTA, der lyder ’opgrader din søgen’, matcher brandets autoritative og overbevisende stil. Og sådan bør CTA’en være. CTA’en i din videomarkedsføring bør give klare instruktioner om, hvordan seerne kan handle.

Den sidste slide, der nævner markedspladserne, hvor man kan købe den seneste Noise ColorFit Pro 4, er også interessant.

Sørg for at skabe en følelse af hast og spænding omkring dit produkt. Se videoer fra Noise for at få mere inspiration.

4. Kommuniker effektivt med spænding og relevans.

Ved at antyde den kommende produktlancering, opbygge spænding og skabe en følelse af eksklusivitet kan du skabe opmærksomhed og få folk til at tale om dit brand.

Denne øgede spænding kan føre til større nysgerrighed og forventning, hvilket får flere mennesker til at engagere sig med dit brand og deltage i produktlanceringen.

Vi kan ikke glemme at nævne den mest ventede og overraskende introduktionsvideo til Burger Kings rebranding.

Videoen starter med et brag med en fængende melodi og lyse og tiltalende visuelle elementer, der straks fanger seerens opmærksomhed. Derefter fortsætter den med at forklare de nye opgraderinger og fremhæve, hvordan de er de bedste til det, de gør.

Hele vejen igennem er tonen optimistisk og entusiastisk, hvilket skaber en følelse af spænding og forventning til brandet. Videoen slutter også med en overbevisende CTA, “Få det, som du vil have det.” De visuelle elementer er så tiltalende, at de hypnotiserer seeren til at bestille burgeren ASAP!

Vigtige elementer i en kraftfuld produktlancering video

En kraftfuld produktlancering video kan fange dit publikum, skabe omtale og øge konverteringer. Se videoerne, vi har delt, og udforsk de 9 uundværlige elementer, der kan løfte dine produktlancering videoer fra almindelige til ekstraordinære.

1. Dragende fortælling

That’s true! Here’s the translation: Mennesker er indstillet til at reagere på historier. Ved at inkorporere dragende fortælleteknikker i dine produktlancering videoer kan du skabe en følelsesmæssig forbindelse med dine seere.

Gør dette ved først at udvikle en narrativ bue for din marketingkampagne, der tager publikum på en rejse, fanger deres opmærksomhed og opbygger forventning.

Her er oversættelsen: Se hvordan PlanetScale engagerer i deres utrolige produktlanceringsvideo.

Gennem lanceringen forklarer PlanetScale perfekt, hvad de gør på en subtil måde: Det hjælper dig med at bevare dine data.

2. Produktets anvendelsesområde

One of the primary goals of a product launch video is to convey how your product can be used in real-life situations. A successful business video marketing strategy is where you showcase the practical applications of your product, highlighting its ease of use, functionality, and versatility. 

Wynk Studio does it perfectly in this video.

They begin the video by accurately tapping on their target customer’s pain point: Making independent artists’ voices heard. 

Within 3 seconds, it introduces the product and highlights its use case.

They are direct, address the pain points, answer questions, and highlight what differentiates them from their competitors. 

It also establishes its supremacy by showing how effortless it is to use the product. A great tactic to build excitement for your ideal audience.

By following a few easy steps, you can verify and upload your song/media and can easily track your analytics. 

Want to effectively showcase your product’s unique use cases? Make sure you: 

  • Help your audience visualize themselves using the product and experiencing the benefits firsthand. 

  • Use relatable examples and experiences that can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your product. 

That’s a hallmark of an effective video.

3. Believable testimonials

Customer testimonials provide social proof and build trust in your new release product. Showcase your brand’s past positive customer experiences to add credibility and authenticity to your product launch video. 

Why use testimonials in your product launch video? 

They influence potential customers to take action. And psychology says people love word-of-mouth marketing more than a brand tooting its own horn. 

When someone trustworthy or an influential figure recommends a brand, you’re more likely to use it too. 

Want to increase conversions? Here are some key considerations to ensure testimonials attract your audience’s attention: 

  1. Use genuine feedback as they build relatability with the audience. 

  2. Ensure the testimonials highlight specific features or benefits of the product that are most relevant.

Inspo hack: If you’re launching a skincare product, include testimonials from individuals who struggled with skin issues and found your product to be effective in improving their skin.

  1. Incorporate testimonials from diverse demographics and backgrounds to appeal to a wider audience. 

  2. Integrate testimonials between different sections of the product launch video to maintain viewer engagement and interest.

4. High-quality visuals

Visual appeal plays a crucial role in holding the viewer’s attention and conveying professionalism. Invest in high-quality video production to ensure crisp visuals, sharp details, and vibrant colors. 

One skincare brand that excels at getting its audience’s eye is Rihanna’s, Fenty Beauty. 

Its Eaze Drop’lit All-Over Glow Enhancer perfectly quality-checks visual hygiene. 

The entire video is shot close-up, so the visual elements have to be of high quality or else they might bore the viewers. 

Within 15 seconds, Rihanna explains how to apply the product and its use case. Short, crisp, and attractive. 

Must do a hygiene check for your product launch video: Pay attention to the aesthetics of your video, including the set design, lighting, and camera angles. 

Well-executed visuals add life to the overall viewing experience and leave a lasting impression.

5. Relevant CTA

Every product launch video should have a clear and actionable CTA. 

Navigate your viewers toward the desired action, whether it’s signing up for a free trial, making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, or opting for a free trial of a product. Any action that will make your viewer even potentially interested in your product will do the work. This is extremely important especially if it’s an unboxing video.

A brand that lured its target audience with a relevant CTA is Sunday Riley. Sunday Riley’s Clean Rinse Scalp Serum. 

The video checks all the boxes: 

  • Visuals are high-quality.

  • Background music is peppy (which goes with the brand’s tone).

  • Product’s USP and benefits are highlighted.

  • Within 30 seconds, the video also shows how to use it.

  • And finally, the subtle CTA: To get a healthy, hydrated scalp, buy Sunday Riley’s Clean Rinse Scalp Serum.

The flow of the video is amazing and the CTA is placed sequentially. 

So, make sure to add relevant CTAs to your product launch video subtly as people watch till the end.

Create a sense of urgency and make it easy for viewers to take the next step. 

A well-placed and relevant CTA can significantly impact the success of your product launch.

6. Engaging multimedia

Product launch videos are created to build anticipation and capture the attention that’ll generate buzz around your product. It is one of the best ways to practically showcase the application and value of your offer to your ideal customers. 

So, to make your videos compelling, showcase the key features, benefits, USP, and UVP of your brand’s product engagingly.  

And do this by making the best use of multimedia. Watch how Elixir Niche Perfumery does in its product launch video to introduce its new range of perfumes, Elixirs of the World. 

In the perfumery business, making flashy videos that highlight the elements in the perfume is pretty common, but creating one that makes the bottle look like a hero? Well, that’s rare. That’s what Ram Rathi had to say when he conceptualized this video.  

Making an original video that stands out in this competitive perfume market, which is dominated by international-hyped brands, is difficult. But not impossible. And the video captures the essence perfectly.  

With apt transitions, background music, and graphics, the product feels heroic.  

How can you incorporate multimedia into your video? 

  • Add animations, infographics, and graphics that visually explain your product’s features and benefits. 

  • Use music and sound effects to create an immersive experience that enhances the emotional impact of your video. 

Thoughtful multimedia elements can elevate your video and make it more memorable.

8. Consistent branding

How can you write something about branding and not include the tech giant Apple?

In its first Q2 2023 June launch, Apple introduced the Apple Vision Pro. 

While most of Apple’s launch videos are always under 3-5 minutes, this one is 9 minutes. 

As we highlighted in the above pointer, the length and pace of your video depend on how accurately you’re able to highlight the product’s benefits. Apple uses this length in a storytelling way and showcases Vision Pro’s unique features and use cases to its potential users.

 A powerful video can turn the target market into brand ambassadors. Want to be like Apple and get your branding on point every time? Then follow these tips: 

 Ensure that your product launch video aligns with your overall branding strategy.

  • Maintain consistency in branding to create a cohesive, memorable, and professional impression.

  • Incorporate brand elements such as your logo, color palette, and typography to reinforce brand identity and recognition. 

Use your video as an opportunity to strengthen your brand’s image and create excitement.

9. Clear messaging

The foundation of any successful product launch video lies in its messaging. To create a clear and concise message, identify the core value proposition of your product. Highlight the key features and benefits that set your product apart from the competition. 

See for yourself how well Annabhumi did with their Superior MP Blend, Chakki Fresh Atta (flour).  

They crafted a message that resonated with their target audience’s pain points, i.e., making soft rotis that remain soft for a long time. It’s a common pain in Indian households that the rotis become soggy if they are prepared early in the morning but eaten late.  

By addressing their pain points and offering a solution that they couldn’t resist, Annabhumi solved their customers’ dire problems

Best types of product launch videos

Now that you’ve read the 9 must-haves, here are the top 4 types of product launch videos that have proven to be highly effective in engaging audiences and driving conversions.

1. Shoppable videos

Because shoppable videos are interactive, personalized, and entertaining, they allow viewers to purchase products directly from the video without having to leave the platform. 

This makes them a powerful tool for product launch videos, as they can help brands to generate excitement and interest in their new products and drive sales. Such videos create hype about your products.

2. Animated videos

Animated videos use illustrations, graphics, and animations to tell a story or convey information. Video animation is a versatile way for a brand to showcase its products in creative and visually appealing ways. 

A very cool and upbeat example of a brand that excels at making animated videos is Slack. 

Slack’s animated videos showcase their team collaboration platform in a visually engaging way. The videos demonstrate how Slack can streamline communication, improve productivity, and foster teamwork within organizations. This story resonates with its users.

The animation style adds a playful element with a touch of humor that resonates with the target audience. 

3. Teaser videos

Teaser videos are short clips designed to build anticipation and generate interest in an upcoming product launch. These videos give viewers a sneak peek product’s story without revealing all its details. They create a sense of curiosity and leave the audience wanting to learn more.

A brand that nails all its teaser videos is Apple. When it released the iPhone 13 Pro Max teaser launch video in September 2021, it broke the internet and amassed over 10 million views on YouTube. The video is really an inspiration for all brands. 

Ram Rathi shared his views on how Apple aces at teaser videos, especially the packaging: 

“Packaging is what makes your product stand out, the reason Apple stands out as a brand is because it is more of a fashion brand rather than a tech brand. 

People buy the products not just for the value, but also for the statement. 

A product launch must communicate a style choice. It should make the customer feel like they’re part of a niche group of consumers who have a specific style element. Standing out is all about being different, and believing in your choice.” 

4. Explainer videos

Explainer videos are informative and engagingly shot to educate viewers about a product’s features, benefits, value proposition, or any new update to an existing product. 

An interesting product launch video was released on Instagram by Upliance.ai

They are building India’s first smart cooking assistant and want to be the go-to smart AI cooking assistant for healthy living. 

They recently released their product update by introducing ChatGPT to their product. 

Sounds futuristic? Watch it yourself!  

What makes it absolutely lovable is that the video simplifies complex information and delivers it in an easy-to-understand way. 

One would get a tech epiphany: what, how is ChatGPT, now in cooking? Is it even real? 

5. Live streaming videos

Live streaming videos have gained immense popularity in recent years thanks to social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Consider live streaming your product launch event to create a real-time connection with your audience. Live videos generate excitement and allow for immediate interaction with viewers through comments and Q&A sessions. You can also do an unboxing video while live streaming.

By going live, you can demonstrate your product, answer viewers’ questions, and receive instant feedback.

6. Behind-the-scenes videos

Companies that take the audience behind the scenes of the product development process excel at narrating a story that their competitors can’t.  

BTS videos offer a glimpse into the inner workings of your brand, showcasing the production process, company culture, or the people behind your products. It makes a great video content strategy.

This almost humanizes the brand and creates a sense of transparency and authenticity, allowing viewers to connect with your brand on a deeper level.

A brand that is the epitome of BTS glimpses is Warby Parker. Watch this How Warby Parker Glasses Are Made video that captivates viewers on a deeper level. 

7. Influencer partnership videos

Influencers have a dedicated following and can effectively promote your products to their audience with your story. By leveraging their authenticity and trust, you can tap into new markets and increase brand awareness. 

Influencer partnership videos need not always be sponsored ads; they can take various forms, such as product reviews, unboxing videos, animation videos, or testimonials. Companies that do these are at the top of their game.

When choosing influencers, make sure they align with your brand’s values and target audience.

Collaborate with influencers or industry experts to create product launch videos. Their endorsement and reach can help amplify your message and attract a wider audience.

8. Interactive videos

Engage your audience with interactive elements by including clickable hotspots, quizzes, or interactive product demonstrations. Interactive videos enhance viewer engagement and make the experience more immersive.

By incorporating these, you create a personalized experience that is very effective for showcasing complex products in a storytelling format.

9. Demonstration videos or storytelling

Demonstration videos or storytelling videos showcase your product’s features and benefits in action. These videos can take the form of tutorials, step-by-step guides, or compelling narratives that demonstrate how your product solves a problem or enhances the lives of your customers. 

By showcasing real-life scenarios, you can create an emotional connection and convince viewers to purchase.

A great example is this by Anker, which they released last year as their holiday greeting gift.

As highlighted above, making viewers and potential customers evoke emotions is the way to generate sales and make them relate to your brand. 

Making your product launch videos shoppable is a great way to increase conversions. And jaunt. allows you to do just that.

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