Video vs. Image Ads:
Which Performs Better?
Undertitel Video has become a priceless medium for promoting your brand, engaging with your audience, and delivering a clear message. Over 86% of businesses use videos in their marketing strategies. Some companies, however, have decided to stick to the tried and tested image advertising. Both video and image ads can be great sources of revenue, but let’s see […]
How to make your video ad effective
Undertitel With platforms such as TikTok and Instagram at the peak of their popularity, it’s no surprise that video consumption has skyrocketed in recent years. As a result, the primary focus of online marketing has seen a shift toward digital video advertising. Nowadays, advertisers are willing to invest much more in video ads. However, it’s a […]
Video Trends for 2024.
What to Expect?
Undertitel Get ready for significant changes within the digital video advertising landscape in 2024. After a long wait, Chrome is finally saying goodbye to third-party cookies, marking a pivotal moment in the world of programmatic advertising. Yet, that’s just the beginning. The online digital community is gearing up for an exciting year – the boom […]
Tips til at øge konvertering med video
At skabe gode videoer kræver tid, ressourcer og masser af kreativt arbejde. Det kan være en kedelig og udmattende proces. Men den virkelige udfordring opstår, når disse videoer ikke formår at generere salg, og du ikke kan finde ud af hvorfor. Vi ved, hvor frustrerende det kan være at lægge ens hjerte og sjæl i […]